At times in life, there is an embed dement of desires, unnecessary wants fraudulently sandwiched in what we need for life to be complete. At such times, we are faced with a challenge of deciding and choosing once and for all what may change our lives forever, or not!
In one of his philosophies, Plato the Greek Scholar followed by his successor Aristotle: managed to decipher and think about the composition of man, having body, spirit and mind. The three work to oppose each other in a man's daily life.
The body may desire a new shoe, but the mind says otherwise- "I have not paid the rent yet, my mum is sick, I need to save for college and many other things. Therefore there arises conflict of which one of the three above mentioned, one triumphs over the others. Its at this point were one's appetites either become insatiable. always demanding and unquenchable or not.
As sons of Adam if not Homo Sapiens, we are left in a quagmire of having to put an opportunity cost on almost all things we face in life. But that's when and where the problem arises. There is a possibility of every human being to want what he/she doesn't need. This notwithstanding the very issue that curiosity is good for invention, but having so many points of views, choices of plans we result into having more or less no plan at all.
We always want to grab, we always want what is good and good for the self. never satisfied to the extent that we are now invading the Antartica to claim the lands if we didn't already do it in the last two centuries. But whatever we do, we are just human, and being human comes with the characteristic of seeking what you may not miss.
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